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Relationships Are Mirrors πŸͺž

Did you know every relationship in your life can be viewed as a mirror to reflect back to you your conditioning and limiting beliefs when triggered? πŸͺž

Have you noticed how you see distinct patterns within yourself while around certain people? πŸ€”
How can different people create the same triggers then right? 🀨
So what if you brought awareness to these patterns and triggers, noticing that each person in your life that stimulates a reaction out of you is actually reflecting back to you a childhood conditioning, a lack of self love, or limiting belief that you learned towards yourself? 🧐
When we begin to HEAL the relationship with ourselves, we begin to see that reflected in our relationship with others as well! πŸ₯°
We create healthy boundaries and have authentic connections where we are more vulnerable with one another because there is no fear of judgment when there is SELF LOVE, SELF TRUST, & SELF ACCEPTANCE! πŸ§ πŸ’–πŸ’«

When you fill your cup fully, you can outpour to others from a loving place rather than a depleted place to people please out of obligation. πŸ₯›
Putting yourself first (as they say in the airplane with the oxygen mask 😜) will create SELF LOVE, which then has a ripple effect in creating SELF ACCEPTANCE βž• SELF TRUST, allowing you to have SELF CARE routines daily! πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
This is NOT selfish, it’s SELF CARE! And when you take care of no. ☝🏼 FIRST, you’ll be surprised at how much more you enjoy outpouring to others! 😍
Healthy relationships are a HUGE part of a healthy lifestyle since they take up SO MUCH of our time! 🀩
Are those in your life bringing you 80% JOY or 80% toxicity? πŸ€”
And if the latter, consider going within and notice if this is a trigger and pattern amongst more than one person to discover what YOU can HEAL and create SELF LOVE before releasing (with love) anyone in your life! πŸ’–
Confused or unsure how? Consider scheduling a FREE consultation with me and learn about my new Program!πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

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