Coaching, Fertility, Healer, Healing, Health Coach, PSYCH-K

Whole-Brain State Whaaaat?! 🧐

Did you know there are hugely popular methods of reprogramming your limiting beliefs to empowering ones that you’ve never heard of?! 🫨

Not only are you able to reprogram your subconscious mind on your own using various techniques, there are modalities facilitated by those like myself that can reprogram your subconscious mind in just a few seconds or minutes! 🤯

The modality that I’ve come to absolutely LOVE, 𝗣𝗦𝗬𝗖𝗛-𝗞® has been named as the fastest way of reprogramming your subconscious by many New Age Thought Leaders! 🥰

Of course my favorite being Dr. Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist and a former professor of medical students that I admire oh so much! 🥹

Our brain is meant to be in a Whole-Brain State, which acts as a “gateway to higher consciousness” that elevates brain function and creativity by bridging the right and left hemisphere. 🧠

The Whole-Brain State allows you to reprogram any limiting belief, trauma, stressful situation whether past or future, PTSD, or etc. so that you shift from disharmony in any of those areas to HARMONY! 🕊️

When you notice disharmony or stress when thinking about a person, past experience, or future event, your brain is not in a Whole-Brain State around that thought. 💭

And because we experience the past and future as if it’s happening right now in the current moment, it impacts our reality! 😱

If you’re overthinking, over analyzing, and spiraling then your left hemisphere is in control…

If you’re overly emotional, super sensitive with the thought of a person, situation, etc., then you’re coming from the right hemisphere.

And there are times that you’re both overthinking AND overly emotional, so both hemispheres are blocked and you might feel completely helpless, trapped, confused, or even overwhelmed. 😳

When your conscious desires are not in alignment with your subconscious beliefs, you will be out of alignment yourself. 🤷🏻‍♀️
As much as I used to watch subliminal messages videos, listen to binaural beats, watch all the subconscious reprogramming videos daily for 21+ days, and who knows what else I did, I could never get confirmation if the belief had changed or not. 🤔

Which is why I absolutely LOVE 𝗣𝗦𝗬𝗖𝗛-𝗞® because there are protocols on bridging the right and left hemisphere to activate a blocked hemisphere and create that Whole-Brain State, which then can be confirmed immediately after! 😍

⁣𝗣𝗦𝗬𝗖𝗛-𝗞® allows you to reprogram any triggers and stay in a Whole-Brain State to live more peacefully and in harmony, as if magically! 🪄💖✨

Although backed by scientists and neuroscience studies! 😉🩻🔬🧬

How would you like to take your conscious desires and program them into your subconscious mind so that you get to a place of peace & non-attachment around any traumatic experience or memory? 🥰

Then schedule a Complimentary Consultation below to find out what’s possible beyond your imagination!

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